Having finally figured out the electronics and methods (for the most part) I want to use throughout the layout, I have started with more benchwork. I have a rough plan or two for the yard area along the north wall, I’ll call it the North Yard for now. The lower level is the yard. I’m using 3/4″ plywood for sub-roadbed and I’ll use cork sheet on top of that. I just finished up the Masonite backdrop on both the upper and lower levels to get me around the corner to the east wall.

I jumped down to the east end to determine the placement of the 90′ turntable I just refurbished. The roundhouse did not travel well, as you can see. I have two three stall kits I had put together on my last layout that I’ll need to re-build.

I’ll get the rest of the plywood in place, then make some final decisions on main line and arrival track placement. I’ll probably wait on the actual yard until I get more benchwork done.
I need to do some more planning on the east wall. The lower level will be a connecting track between the yards (North and South) in order to allow continuous running. It will be partially hidden by a gorge the upper level passes over. I plan to have a wooden trestle here. It should provide a spectacular scene.