I took a little time to visit one of the layouts on the CID April layout tour yesterday. I needed some inspiration to keep me trudging ahead on my own layout. I talked my wife, Chris , into going. I think she enjoyed it, but she made me go to the “At Home Store” with her afterword. Ouch! (Nah, it wasn’t that bad) The description below is from the Tour guide:
Description: Ron Phillips’ Great Northern Railway is a 26’ x 36’ HO scale multi-level freelanced prototype of the Great Northern. The layout has 600’ of double track mainline and follows the route from Chicago to Seattle. A large classification yard and engine terminal are located in Minot, ND with a 130’ turntable and 12-stall round house. Although the era is the late 1960’s, there are plenty of steam engines in service.
Ron’s layout is in a separate building in the back yard. Very Nice!
So, I have been working on my layout some. After the inspirational visit to Ron’s pike, I pushed on today, still have not laid any track yet, though. Got the upper level C-frames all the way down the South wall and put up the corner section. Got some more Masonite put up for the background and the white paneling up on the underside of the lighting valance as well.
Slowly but surely!