
Jordan Miniature

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Over the last couple of years, I’ve been collecting a few of the Jordan HO scale models on Ebay. They’re a little expensive, but for an early 20th century layout, they’re irreplaceable. I am waiting on some track and turnouts to continue my track laying effort, so I thought it would be a good change […]


Track Talk

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I am a member of the Central Indiana Division of the NMRA. We usually have quarterly modeler’s meets in which we have someone give a presentation on something related to the hobby and have a time to discuss and show some of the projects the attendees are working on. Last year we also started having […]



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I managed to get the walls erected and a few interior details in place. Ready to add the roof, but it seems a shame. I had forgotten what a pain in the rear those doors are to get installed. Now if there was just some scenery to complete the picture!


Various Projects

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Well, I’m still working my regular job for the time being, so I have not had as much time to work on the layout as some folks. I have been able to work on several things over the last week or two, though. I cleaned and re-arranged the shop where I do my rough work. […]