
Turning Engines 2

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I am using this slip ring to transmit power to the rotating turntable bridge. I made an adapter from plastic, the brass tube fits inside the axle of the bridge and the other end fits the diameter of the slip ring. I decided to use four of the 6 wires in the slip ring, two […]


Turning Engines 1

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I was thinking of purchasing a Walthers turntable sometime in the future. I will need two turntables for my planned layout. They sell a 110′ and 130′ ready to run turntable which can be converted to DCC with an additional board. After some research, I am not so sure that I want to go that […]


Making a Circuit Board

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I got my first (of many) semaphore working last week. For my initial test, I used one of my turnout decoders to operate it. I’ll need those for turnouts (plus a few!) so I designed a new decoder for the signals. It is a simplified version, based on my turnout decoder. Of course the code […]