
Animated Individual

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I’d been looking at some other modeler’s efforts at animating figures and objects lately, especially work by Laurie McLean from Australia. He does some really amazing animations using small gear motors, Wow! This got me thinking I’d like to try my hand at it. I recently got some unpainted HO scale figures so I selected […]


Spring time?

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It was a beautiful day today in Indiana, Tucker and I took a break from working inside to set on the deck for a bit and soak in a little sunshine this afternoon. He played with a stick and I had a beverage. We had been down in the train room most of the day, […]



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One of the presents I received for Christmas from my wife – A new 24″ touchscreen monitor! Shown is the current rendition of the WRV in the JMRI layout editor in all it’s splendor. The outer track, on the top, left side and bottom is the upper level. The dashed portion of track is the […]


Planning for Control

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To recap – I plan to stick with Digitrax systems for controlling trains because the WVR has a significant investment in that technology. I’ve also decided on using local panels, DCC throttle, and a computer with JMRI software to operate turnouts. We will be able to run and route our trains, but Id also like […]


Planning begins

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I have started planning the new and improved version of the Wildcat Valley Railway which will be a pre-war era, 1920’s-1930’s mostly freight system. There are several things I’d like to incorporate: A point to point track plan with a  continuous loop option. I’d like the plan to be walk in with no duck unders […]