
Work Continues

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This month work is progressing on the WVR, a little slower due to the nicer weather outdoors, though. I just finished installing five turnouts and the associated decoders and servos a couple of weeks ago. The four that are on order for the main line through the yard on the south side along with another […]


Track Talk

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I am a member of the Central Indiana Division of the NMRA. We usually have quarterly modeler’s meets in which we have someone give a presentation on something related to the hobby and have a time to discuss and show some of the projects the attendees are working on. Last year we also started having […]


Winter Blahs

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I was working on some projects in the basement, not really modeling related, when my mind started to wander as it’s often prone to do. Man, it’s really getting cold outside and Indiana is soooo dreary in the winter. I begin to think of warmer weather and Florida comes to mind. It was really warm […]


I Grew Up

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I guess I have been into model railroading ever since building one with my dad. Married at a young age and having three children, dealing with the ups and downs of life, other interests, and work have hampered my participation. However, over the last few years I have had time to enjoy the hobby. At […]


Let’s Build a Railroad!

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Oh to be a kid again! I remember as a young boy the smell of our basement. It was a wonderful mixture of an old musty cellar and wood dust. There was my father, the incessant tinkerer, he could make something from nothing and it would generally turn out great. There was a workbench filled with tools […]